пятница, 8 ноября 2013 г.

Too many High Hopes too many disappointments! (The Great Gatsby)

Автор: Sally на 12:36:00 PM 0 коммент.

              "No telephone massage arrived but the butler went without his sleep and waited for it until four o'clock- until long after there was anyone to give it to if it came. I have an idea that Gatsby himself didn't believe it would come and perhaps he no longer cared. If that was true he must have felt that he had lost the old warm world, paid a high price for living too long with a single dream. He must have looked up at an unfamiliar sky through frightening leaves and shivered as he found what a grotesque thing a rose is and how raw the sunlight was upon the scarcely created grass. A new world, material without being real, where poor ghosts, breathing dreams like air, drifted fortuitously about...
                                                    F.S. Fitzgerald
                                                                          The Great Gatsby
People all around the world are different, all of us are, or pretend to be individuals. YET we all have something in common, such as hope, faith, wishes...I'll reveal a secret and say that everyone of us dream, maybe part of people doesn't realize that thing they always think of is their dream in fact...Part of us just doesn't want to admit they have dreams, but even realists dream sometimes.I think we all need to believe and have some dream because high hope is just the same, difference is how we call it and how easily we can give up.I think it is easier to give up your dream than your hope I don't know why I think so, maybe I'm wrong but somehow dreams are becoming unuseful in these days, it's not fashionable anymore to say you have a dream because  everyone mixes their dreams with their aims...Your dream can be your aim, but harder to reach then usual aim is, and your aim on the other hand can never be your dream, your dream, can be to reach your aim, but not aim itself.
      But even people who aren't dreamers and have no big plans for life, still have hope, hope is a thing that can keep you alive, can keep you from getting mad or else...It's scary to imagine life without hope, because there is no life without hope, we always have this feeling...When we're told that something is going to go wrong for 99% it is fact, but we all have this 1% that keeps us telling it still can go right for us.That 1% is hope that keeps us up and doesn't give us enough reason to give up.
      Life becomes kind of aimless without hope, people who don't have hope are Pesimists in a way or people who lost hope and now are  ruining their lives.
      Losing something is always hard, sometimes the smallest things have the biggest meaning, and losing of hope..I think losing hope itself is nearly  impossible, it's the thing that we hoped for that we can lose, but hope stays with us, we may think that we've lost it but then catch ourselves hoping for something. I think it's not high hopes that bring us many disappointments , but it's the hope for something that is not likely to happen , that hurts us in the end. If we hoped for simple things that are going to happen anyway, we'll have no disappointments at all, but that's not how hope works, When you have high hopes it means you are expecting something big and important and you should simply remember life lesson: Hope for the best, BUT expect the worst. because failure of our expectations brings much more disappointments and hurt than losing hope.

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